Crestwood Community League is the oldest continuous community league in Edmonton and Alberta.
It is believed to be the oldest continuous community league in North America.
A group of residents founded the 142 Street Community League, based on the concept of a Neighbourhood and Social Club, whose origins are from New York State. The objective was to create a place where social activities and current events could be engaged. Many neighbourhoods quickly followed this league formation and the Edmonton Federation of Communities Leagues (EFCL) was formed a few years later.

In the spring of 2001, building plans were summited to the city. By April 2002 shovels began tearing down the old hall. Construction progressed through the summer and in September, the league celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open the new hall. Years of planning, fundraising, and challenging work by community members came to fruition with the opening of a new community hall.

By 2012, the playground which had been upgrade in 1992, was showing its age. The Crestwood Parkland Redevelopment Committee (CPRC) was formed. After community consultants, a vision for upgrades to lighting, the tennis courts, the skating rink and more functional social areas was developed — along with consideration for the upcoming 100th Anniversary was taken into consideration. The vision was split into 3 phases.
Phase 1 — the redevelopment of the playground. On September 24, 2016 the community celebrated the opening of the new playground.

Phase 2 — In 2017 Crestwood celebrated its 100th Anniversary and completing of the Phase 2 Redevelopment Project of the outdoor licensed area, additional patio space, seating, a fire pit, and relocating the casual skating rink.

Phase 3 | Part 1 — The CPRC was revived in 2020 with a new group of volunteers who wanted to build into their community coming out of the Covid 19 pandemic. Together they developed the plans for a new skating rink and tennis court and identified an opportunity to create two new plaza areas for social gathering beside them. A second round of fundraising was launched that reached its goal in under one year. Unfortunately, pandemic-related reductions to the grant programs used to help cover the cost of upgrades meant that the project had to be split into smaller pieces and only the rink replacement could proceed. Construction on the rink began in June 2021 and the Grand Opening was celebrated in December of that year.

Phase 3 | Part 2 — Work resumed again in April 2022 with the tennis court replacement. The tiled surface of the courts is one of the only commercial courts of its kind in the city, and was chosen for its ability to support skating ice in the winter. Pickleball lines were also painted on the new rink surface to support community interest in this growing sport. The completion of this work was celebrated in September 2022 in conjunction with a Fall Social and Membership Drive, where a renewed number of households signed up to be part of the community league and participate in its activities.